I feel like this is important to share in order to give y'all a frame of reference for what I mean when I say "Skinny Dude". This blog is not about your average dude who is on the trim side. I'm sure you're thinking "Oh no...no. Not THAT Skinny!" Yes...YES! Always and ONLY that Skinny. This dude has Marfan Syndrome, which is a connective tissue disorder. Joey Ramone also had this disorder. Wikipedia tells me that people with Marfan's are typically tall, with long limbs and long thin fingers. Wikipedia does not, however, tell me that a benefit of having this disorder is that you become crazily Skinny. That being said, I don't think that Bradford can be an official Skinny Dude due to his medical condition. I will give him an honorable mention though. Keep it up Bradford!!! I think you have no choice - but keep it up anyway!
I hope this helps you all understand what we're talking about here in regards to the Skinny.
"That being said, I don't think that Bradford can be an official Skinny Dude due to his medical condition." I am glad you pointed this out. He has an unfair advantage over us skinny dudes who don't have a medical condition to enhance our skinniness.
Bradford Cox might not be famous from a mainstream perspective, but he's a well-respected and well-known man to many music lovers. So yes, I would definitely call him famous.
Check out Atlas as well as Deerhunter.
His bandmate from Deerhunter, Lockett Pundt aka Lotus Plaza, is a fairly skinny (and attractive) dude as well.
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